Shooting glasses are the least restricting option for protecting your eyes and have the least issues with fogging.
98973 GO-APS-PE-BL
27934 GO-C3
58163 GO-S570073A-CL
100157 SG-GelBB-QT-313
58668 ACC-06-617
58681 GO-11-142
58680 GO-11-140
48167 GO-OO9146-03
62050 ACC-101-532-001
77865 ACC-53-052
42917 G-47545
42920 G-47606
11347 SG-PELSF400-PC-8
11335 SG-PEL47030-PEL-6
61492 GO-22777
45723 GO-17004
45997 GO-17006
38675 GO-FHJ-02-Y
21450 GO-BOLLE-40038
101426 GO-Bolle-PSSCONT443B
101425 GO-Bolle-PTSGUNKM04
21460 GO-BOLLE-40225
101429 GO-Bolle-PSSRUSP0652B
101443 GO-Bolle-PTSSENT-401
101438 GO-Bolle-PSSSILPC13B
101434 GO-Bolle-PSSSILI443B
21470 GO-BOLLE-40239
21473 GO-BOLLE-40088
101440 GO-Bolle-PSSTRYOC13B
55695 GO-Crosman00475C
47088 GO-55665CL
56052 GO-EX391-colors
11174 GO-ESS-EE9018-03
84957 GO-ESS-740-0615
103010 GO-ESS-740-0472
84950 GO-ESS-740-0451
84949 GO-ESS-740-0532
84960 GO-ESS-EE9014-08
89719 GO-ESS-740-0440
84951 GO-ESS-740-0020
84969 GO-ESS-740-0473
84971 GO-ESS-740-0243
43817 GO-Evike-CF1701AF-C
43816 GO-Evike-AF1309G-AF-C
117006 Glasses-GV-ASSAULT-SM
43616 G-Cougar-CL
51982 GO-Cruisin-CL
102992 GO-GV-HERC-1-PL-YT
23227 GO-GV-Ideal-CL
51428 GO-73281-CL
102993 GO-GV-Octane-YT
23223 GO-GV-Outfitter-24-CL-AF
102991 GO-GV-Rider-Plus-YT
23230 GO-GV-Turbo-PL-CL
40016 GO-HFC-8015-S
34607 GO-HFC-AC8015-Y
79712 GO-oo9188-13
71506 GO-11-434
58699 GO-11-161