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APS Bolt Catch for APS M4 Series EBB Airsoft AEGs (Color: Silver)

ID: 63970 (Part-APS-AER046)
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  • Factory OEM replacement component
  • For APS EBB M4 series Airsoft AEGs
  • Matte finish
Compatibility: For APS ASR airsoft AEG rifles
Material: Aluminum alloy

Manufacturer: APS

About APS

APS Limited, formerly known as APS Airgun Ltd was established in 2001. APS started by specializing in designing and building Simulation Training Equipment (Real Action Markers & Powder Balls for training simulation). APS - the three words stand for Accuracy - Pneumatics - Shooting. With their knowledge and experience that has been gained from making Real Action Markers and Projectiles, APS launched a new product line - Electronic Blow Back (EBB) products to spur the current Airsoft Market. Since entering the Airsoft industry their line of Airsoft rifles, pistols and accessories have been incredibly popular.

2 Customer Reviews

(Write a review)

by Stephan A. on 06/06/2020
"Works well enough, and the color matches my red skeleton APS upper. i wish it used a solid pin rather than a hollow one.
by Lorin S. on 10/16/2017
"Cool looking, I used it to match other silver parts on my APS gun, and it went in relatively easy... 5 stars

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